SMG Gives Back

Our vision extends beyond business

Our Philanthropy

At Sapphire Media Group, we're always pushing ourselves to be better. Our reach may be small, but our desire to make a difference is larger than life.

We believe that every person has the ability to change their world; we want to encourage that sense of empowerment by supporting local community organizations that are doing incredible things.

Our focus is community-oriented, and so it‘s our duty to ensure every one of our employees has an opportunity for growth and enrichment through philanthropic giving. Sapphire Media Group is committed to being an active member of the community; after all, having a positive impact on the people around us is what leaves the best lasting impression. Partnering with community organizations that make a difference is only the beginning.

Our Volunteers

We Make
Philanthropy Fun

At Sapphire, we’re not afraid of a little
friendly competition.

We take our philanthropy seriously, and want to give our employees the chance to reward those who truly deserve it, for the hard work they put in.

The competition is on, and every quarter the employee with the most logged volunteer hours is crowned the ‘Lord or Lady of Sapphire’. But what does that mean?

Not only do they get various in perks such as choice of snacks for the break room and a night out for two on the company, but Sapphire Media will also donate $500 to a charity or organization of the Lord/Lady’s choice, on their behalf.

Workin’ It